You are beautiful

Netra moved her hand over her scalp. It felt as soft as a baby’s bottom. She looked up to see herself in the mirror. She wanted to distance herself from the image. Her mind screamed in protest…this is not me it is someone else.

She looked at the wig in her hand and remembered her long silky brown hair. Her hair had been an object of envy for many of her friends. It now lay in a heap at the bottom of a trashcan. All the things she had taken for granted were coming back to haunt her.

She had been steadily losing hair once the chemotherapy had started. Netra had been diagnosed with breast cancer. She remembered the day she was diagnosed and a shiver ran down her spine. Her life had seemed completely futile to her that day. On the outside, she had put up a brave face for her son and daughter. On the inside, she had shattered into a million pieces. The reaction ‘these things always happened to other people and now how could it happen to me?’ had kept echoing in her mind. Ultimately, she had to face the truth.

Her family members were supportive. Her husband was a pillar of strength in this crisis. Her sister was now staying with her to help with the children. Her mother and her sister took turns to be with her during chemo sessions. Her sister, made her laugh, regaling her with their childhood pranks. They spoke about movies, books, and even crushes they had while growing up. Her father helped with the grocery shopping and paying the bills.

Netra and her husband Arun were like many other couples. After the initial excitement in their marriage, things had cooled off and the stress of working and raising kids had made it difficult to capture the romance and spark of the initial years of their marriage. They had drifted apart, each involved in their own career. Her illness had now brought them closer.

Netra had shaved off her head and had started wearing a wig once she started losing hair. She had never taken it off, even while sleeping. Only time she took it off was when she was alone in the bathroom. She was scared that her husband would stop loving her once he saw her.

Today she had decided to take a step forward and not wear the wig. She did not want to hide behind the wig anymore. She walked in the room feeling helpless and naked. Her husband looked at her and said ‘Hey, how are you feeling?’ ‘How was your day?’ Netra was puzzled by his reaction. She finally asked him ‘Arun, have you stopped loving me? I am bald…if you have not noticed it’

Arun got up and stood in front of her. He said ‘Yes I did notice, but all I know is that you’re so beautiful and I am falling in love with you all over again’.


  1. Very touching story. Good job. Keep it up. :)

  2. great story...Hey do look up Lisa Ray and read her Yellow diary...she looks great bald

  3. beautiful! got nothing more to say... :)

  4. Phoenix: Thanks :)

    Shridevi : Thanks a ton

    Anju : Thanks for your encouragement sis :)

    Nalini: Yes I have seen her photo and also read her Blog...she does look beautiful.

    Krittika : awww thanks :)

  5. I loved the husband's reaction. Too sweet!

    Very touching story. Me likey.

  6. This is my first visit here, and I'm loving this blog!

    This was a very heart-rendering story... You write well!

    Thanks for this post!

  7. awwww!! Such a touching & well written story!

  8. Parth : Welcome to my space...I am so glad you liked what I wrote...

    Smita: Thanks dear :) *hugs*

    Magali: Thanks dear :)

  9. Wow.. extraordinary.. Your story is capable of bringing a tear even to the most insensitive eye.

  10. nicely written, I liked the end of the story.

  11. awww....that was really sweeet....
    so touching...
    sigh...if only men loved like this :roll:

  12. Gayu : Thanks :)

    quirky : Thanks dear :)

    Zabi: This was such a great compliment...thanks :)

    Ashish: Thanks :)

    AD: I am glad you liked it :)

    Meghz: heheh yes some men do love like this....thanks :)

  13. but all I know is that you’re so beautiful and I am falling in love with you all over again’.,,,,,,,,
    that is all tat matters.

  14. Haddock: yeah its all that matters in the end :)

  15. Your stories are always so touching, when you finish reading it, you cant help but smile with a bit un-detectable wetness in eyes :)

    I love reading them.
    You really are a great writer girl :)

  16. Very nicely done LP. You're keeping everyone guessing about what you'll write about next! ;)

  17. Sho Shweeeeet and touching...Well done Mam..

  18. Lopa: awww thanks so much :) *hugs*

    Anirban: Thanks :) I am trying to experiment these days...

    Nish : Thanks dear :)

  19. Very nice n touching...and,now,time for a happy,comic story.:):)

  20. Amit : Thanks :) currently I am in the full fiction writing mode....the humor cells in my brain are all blocked...but soon....

  21. such a beautiful and touching story :)
    I love hapy endings :)

  22. Rajlakshmi : aww I love Happy endings too :) thanks..

  23. Awwww!! That was such a sweet story.. I totally loved it. Short but so very sweet.

  24. Awwww!! That was such a sweet story.. I totally loved it. Short but so very sweet.

  25. Wow.. extraordinary.. Your story is capable of bringing a tear even to the most insensitive eye.

  26. This is my first visit here, and I'm loving this blog!

    This was a very heart-rendering story... You write well!

    Thanks for this post!

  27. beautiful! got nothing more to say... :)


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