Clash of the Titans
I know the title is much too dramatic but yes that's what comes to mind when I think about the day 'A' (Hubs Darling) met daddy dearest. For all those people who don't know my father, here is a bit of a glimpse. He is a sweet man who believes in simplicity in life. He is very straightforward when it comes to things which concern his family. Very astute about money and has worked really hard to give us a good life. He is an extremely quiet man and has no clue how to do idle chitchat. My Mother is quite opposite in terms of talking and they suit each other perfectly. She can talk nineteen to dozen and just needs a faithful audience. 'A' and I decided to get married and we informed our respective parents. My father wanted to meet 'A' (typical filmy ishtyle) and so I called 'A' over for tea. Even though I had given him an idea of how things will proceed, 'A' was tremendously nervous since he was meeting my father for the first time. The meeti