85 thoughts of a Fat girl when out for a run
Fat girl and running seems to be an oxymoron and there is a possibility that people might read the title of the post again, thinking that I made a typing mistake A fat person and running seems a combination which is difficult for most people to comprehend. Many look at me with disbelief when I tell them that I have started to run. Some have even passed snide remarks asking me if I even knew what running was and whether new potholes have appeared on the roads where I run. Well, I being me.. left the haters gaping, when I started participating in marathons and running 5K distances. That was the best retort I could give them. I started training late last year and have written about it in this post. Now, every time I lace up those shoes, a thrill goes through me and I am waiting for my shoes to eat up the kilometers. I don't run to lose weight, I run for fun and what fun I am having. Every runner will know that a myriad of thoughts go through their minds while runni