Me, Myself and me again

I know I know it is a bit narcissistic but I am having a writers block(I so wanted to use this word for a long time and now I get my opportunity) please bear with it.For people who don't know me here are a few things to know about me:

1. I am an Indian and currently living in the UK and missing home badly.
2. I am the youngest of 3 siblings and my sisters think I am stubborn brat but lovable..and love it when they pamper me.
3. I have always been overweight but I loathe exercise...
4. Give me a nice book and I don't need any entertainment....
5. I love my mother's cooking especially the 'Maharastrian' delicacies she cooks.
6. I am an ardent fan of Italian food and love dry white wine.
7. People who pretend to be good friends with you and stab you in the back can rot in hell.
8. I was very blunt few years back but have managed to tone it down with a lot of hard work and dirty looks from Hubs darling.
9. I am crazy about Hindi film music and love watching English romantic comedies.
10. I am in awe of people who use big words like 'Cataclysmic' and can discuss politics of any country with ease.
11. I would really love to meet characters from books in real life for eg Bertie Wooster & Jeeves(P.G. Wodehouse), Harry Bosch(Micheal Connelley), Alex Delaware (Jonathan Kellerman) and Sherlock Holmes.
12. I have a weakness for sweets of all types.
13. I love dogs and feel they are like innocent kids.
14. Friends are the biggest treasures in my life.
15. I am the official 'Agony Aunt' for my friends and people reveal their secrets very easily to me.
16. Many times I've been stopped on the road and Sadhus have read my face (This was all out of the blue).
17. I know how to sketch and play the Spanish Guitar fairly well but have lost touch with my artistic side currently.
18. I hate cooking(Will find any chance to get out of doing it)and really admire people who cook for pleasure.
19. I have recently been fascinated with religions of the world and plan to read 'Bhagwad Gita'.
20. I hate confrontations and will avoid it at any cost.
21. Marrying my best friend is the best thing to happen to me.
22. I am still naive enough to believe that people really mean what they say.
23. I regret losing touch with childhood friends since they played a major part in influencing my personality.
24. I miss my grandfather a lot.
25. I love my parents and will never trade them for all the treasures in this world.
26. I am finally at peace with myself and satisfied with the way my life is moving.

That's how I perceive I am...this might just give you a hint of what I actually am.
Thanks for reading.


  1. Hi,Aquarius-thanks for that insight..right from the nice book part to Hindi film music to being satisfied with the way life is moving!!:)Those were close to my thoughts,definitely!!:)
    As for loathing exercising-do what I do-save your fav songs on a pocket mp3 players,put on your sneakers,look smart,and,begin walking-walk slow n steady the first 20 mins-by then,the feet are warmed up,and,voila-you can cover at least 1 hr a day of walks...provided there's some nice walking tracks/garden/pavements there,which I'm sure there are-not to forget safety at all these places..Good luck!!

  2. hey Amit thanks so much for your encouragement....yes I used to do that and I still walk to my work but if you will check out the weather here...its so depressing and cold...but will definitely do it :)

  3. Ur mention of Maharashtrian food got me all nostalgic.
    My favourite cuisine on this planet is "Saoji" of Nagpur !
    And hey,the spanish guitar stuff is news ! Well well,I am impressed !

  4. Hey Thanks Ayon...well not many people know that :) and I miss Maharashtrian food so much....


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