
CARried Away

Lots of you visited my blog to read my last post. Even if you were here for some thrills, I am thankful that you stopped by, who am I to judge anyone when I can write about it. Its settled then, you are not mad at me for tricking you. I am glad we understand each other so well. For the past two days hubs and I have been praying for the speedy recovery of one of our loved one. She is a great lady and has been a support to us for the past year in this foreign country. We tried to find a cure for her illness but it seems that her time has come. We are not yet ready to say our goodbyes. My heart is heavy and I cannot breathe as I am all choked up. Okay.....I can't do this...I suck at this. I am talking about our car. It is surviving on borrowed time and very soon it will be joining the heap of dead cars. It is kinda old and I can't blame it for dying on us. Getting it repaired will cost us more than buying another second hand car. First time hubs encountered a problem, he t

How to talk dirty, to a teenager

I know you have come here expecting some dirty talk, right? Let's get down to it then...why waste precious time. I have previously written about this topic albeit, a bit clinically. It is time to give some personal touches now. While growing up, I was a clueless doofus...clueless in terms of birds and bees. Most of the information I had, was provided either by books or by equally clueless friends. My first ‘X-rated' book was 'Lady Chatterley's lover' and I was rocked to my hinges after reading it. It was too much to take in, at first go. I had sneaked it off from my father's collection (I am positive, he still does not know that I have read it).  As Indian families are, mine was also quite conservative about this topic and I gathered the information mainly from books (TV was extremely sanitized during my teenage) and never had anyone informing me of the nitty gritties of 'Sex' (There, we are already talking dirty...aren't we?).  I had my chance


SNAFU, Here is a crazy ass word for you. In short, 'I royally f***** up'. Remember this? Photo Courtesy : I am not in a much better state at the moment. Both my eyebrows now look as if they are running scared from each other.  I am in a 'Joey' moment and AM not liking it a bit.  Call me a lazy bum....I deserve it, for not getting up and plucking my eyebrows under better light.  I have scant hair in my eyebrows and so missing a few hair at odd spots really makes me look scary, maybe I will get a job to scare the pants off little pesky kids, bwahhhha Or I can join celebs eyebrow thingy was quite hot last year and I can start a new trend all together. I usually pluck errant hair around my eyebrows and chop off the too long ones to bring them into shape. It was easier and cheaper in India, where you just hop into a salon and get them threaded by a beautician. Lancaster does not have any salons that provide this service and even if they did, I a

Hachiko - A Dog's tale - A Movie Review

I love dogs and I am a sucker for all Dog Movies. I have never bawled my eyes out so much in a movie. This is was a real tear jerker and pulled at my heartstrings. I cried a few tears while reading 'Marley and me', but this movie is in a league of its own. It too is based on a real story.  *Spoilers Ahead* 'Hachiko' or Hachi (DVD Version) is a remake of a Japanese film 'Hachiko Monogatari'. The American version is a bit different from the original story. It is about a college professor who adopts an Akita (Japanese dog breed) puppy wandering on the platform of a railway station. That is a beginning of an unbreakable bond between the dog and his master which transcends beyond the death of the master.  Hachiko, during his owner's life, bade him goodbye each day at the front of the station and used to be there at the same place to greet him when the professor came home from work. This ritual continues till one day the professor passes away. He suffers

Tick Tock Tick Tock

It was one of those nights when sleep was evading me. It rarely happens, but yes it was happening yesterday night. I tried all tricks to fall asleep. 1. Counted sheep, jumping over the fence. Some of them even started looking like Usain Bolt & P.T. Usha. I must have counted at least a 2000 sheep, all of them merrily mocking at me. 2. Guzzled warm Milk. 3. Tried to relax my body from head to toe (Yoga style). 4. Pretended to sleep so my brain was fooled in to it. 5. Squirmed in to a comfortable position on the bed (this meant pushing hubby near the edge). Nothing worked. I was a walking zombie... (Quirky, this is entirely your fault). The bed felt too warm, so I threw off the covers. For a while, I thought, yes babes this will do the trick but I was freezing in sometime. This dance continued for a while. I was frustrated and the tossing and turning was not helping much. The blasted alarm clock became my nemesis. Every tick and tock was hammering in my brain. I cou


I was  tagged by Shikha at Lonely in Space to do this tag some moons ago. Some secrets to reveal and some to fabricate :) Here it is folks: 1. What is your current obsession? 24- the tv series....I am watching all the seasons again. Damn it 'Jack Bauer'. 2. What are you wearing today? Too many layers. Shabby clothes all hidden under a smart black jacket. 3. What’s for dinner? Soup and toast. 4. What’s the last thing you bought? A chicken Sandwich 5. What are you listening to right now? Bollywood songs.....I love all the fast numbers. 6. What do you think about the person who tagged you? She has a beautiful way with words and she should blog often. 7. If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be? Somewhere in the Bahamas. 8. What are your must-have pieces for summer? Huh!! what is that? I have heard of it...  The British summer is  a mirage. 9. If you could go anywhere in the world fo

Great Expectations

Hey people, This is 2nd guest post by my friend 'Radhika'. She is funny and opinionated and really feels strongly about this subject . Her experiences of raising twin boys and coming from an Indian family reflects in this post. ************************************************************************************************************** So, we live in the very hub of tomorrow’s technology, aka, Silicon Valley, aka, The Bay Area (like there are no other bays!!)!  Living here all these years, I have heard many conversations among our desi friends about how competitive schools are, how competitive other parents are and finally how driven the kids are. I was on the other side of this equation, as an Elementary school teacher.  I always assumed, we Indians went overboard about education and did not let our kids be. We structured their lives too much etc, etc. When I made the big mistake of verbalizing this to some friends, whose kids are all in  accelerated programs (Math and