
I am a recovering Testophobic

I got up in a daze to see that it was already six in the morning, I cursed the alarm clock for failing to do its job. I rubbed my eyes and my heart palpitated at the thought of the test which was to start in 3 hours. I heard snoring from somewhere close by and turned to see 'hubs' making a sonorous racket and generally disturbing the atoms around his nose. Then it all became clear, I am married and there is no school test and I had just woken up from a nightmare. Gosh! The word exams still brings a shiver down my spine. After all I am a recovering Testophobic and I am sure many of you are too. In school, I was an above average student in my class but was not a bookworm or a teachers pet. You could find me hanging around with the brains and dodo's of the class with equal ease. I was not very keen with studies but had always completed my home work on time to avoid wrath of my parents, teachers and my older sis who is the brains in our family. Every annual exam used

Mothers Day Special

This post was winner of Blogadda Mothers Day Contest. 'Maa' used to be a constant fixture in Hindi movies in the 80's and 90's. A stoic and sacrificing figure, wearing a white sari and always a picture of love and devotion. A mother who was always bent over a sewing machine or working at a construction site. A mother who never forgot to make 'gajar ka halwa' and 'kheer' for her son. When talking of celluloid mothers how can we forget Nirupa Roy in the movie 'Deewar'. Hindi Cinema established once and for all...if you have 'Maa' then you don't need Gadi, Bangla or Paisa.  Here is tribute to 'MAA' on this mothers day. And thus the story continues.... P.S: If you observe, all the 'Maa''s in Hindi movies doted on their sons...the celluloid daughters always got this.. Happy Mothers day !!!

Killer Instinct

Jake saw Helen walking in front of him. The crunch of leaves under their feet resounded in the lonely woods. She was excited about their weekend away from the city. Jake remembered the first day he had met Helen. They had met during group grief counselling. Helen had found her fiance David murdered in their Apartment. She was trying to deal with his death and her own feelings. She had spoken about her nightmares and dreams during grief counseling. They all had to talk about the loss and how they were dealing with it. Jake had been attracted towards Helen, her green eyes had a pain which made him want to protect her. After many counseling sessions they had become friends. Slowly, she started telling him about her story. David had been a doctor at the city hospital. They had met when both were still in Pre-Med and totally hit it off. He was sweet and kind, they were to be married in six weeks when Helen had come home to find the apartment ransacked and the love of her life dead

People say the Darnedest Things

Sometimes normal people like us forget that we can be stupid too and end up saying the most ridiculous things. There is nothing wrong in asking stupid questions but some of them surely crack me up and most times I have to bite my tongue to stop myself from giving a really sarcastic retort.  Here are some gems I could recall : 1) I am an ex-dog owner and my pooch was a harmless Labrador with a goofy smile on his face. I understand that not everybody is a Dog lover and are scared of dogs but inevitably all will ask me this question 'Does he Bite?'. I just had to keep a straight face and say 'No he is a sweet dog'. Things going around in my brain(TGAIMB) - Yes if you put a penny in his ear and press his nose, he will start biting. He takes pleasure in biting random people everyday and that is why we love him so much. 2) You are fast asleep and some enthusiastic bugger has started his/her day early and wants to spread the cheer around will call you at a really unear

Is 'NO' such a bad word?

Most of us are scared to use this word thinking it to be bad. It has been instilled in us since childhood, Saying 'NO' is considered to be wrong. When did we forget the art of saying 'No'? I am sure most of us at the age of two were quite capable of doing so, did we forget it as we grew older? We have been taught to be people pleaser's, whether we like it or not, we want to avoid the anxiety the word 'NO' will cause and hence we land up with too much on our plate. Self Help Gurus might call this low self esteem or a sign of weakness but I believe it is inherent nature in us to be agreeable and try to fit in. How many times have you been asked for a favour by a friend or relative and you wanted to refuse but you did not? 1) Friends expecting you to always be there for them. 2) Relatives making excessive demand of your time. 3) Your boss wants you to handle additional work because your colleague is off on a holiday and you are already working late

Band Of Brothers

I am currently hooked on to books and Movies which have World War II as their central theme. And when we talk about World War II, how can we forget the book 'Band of Brothers' written by Stephen Ambrose. Book Review The book is an International Bestseller in which the author pays tribute to the men of Easy Company, a rifle company which is part of the 506th Parachute Regiment , 101st Airborne Division of U.S. Army. Easy Company along with Dog, Fox and Battalion HQ companies made up the 2nd Battalion of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment. The book starts with the rigorous training of 140 men and seven officers at Camp Toccoa, Georgia who are part of the Easy Company in the summer of 1942. They came from all walks of life and all corners of the country. The book describes the intense training to toughen up the soldiers.What made their bond strong was a intense desire to kill Germans and do their country proud. By late spring of 1944 Easy Company had become an elite

Some Other Dude Did It

I swear, 'Some other Dude did it'(SODDI), I was not even there, I have been framed. This is a conspiracy and now I will be called a cold-hearted killer. Oh! have I lost you? Hang on, as the mystery unfolds...  One morning as I stepped in the bath tub to have a shower I was greeted by a many legged guest who looked like a younger brother to the picture below and was trying to oust me from my own bathtub by scurrying hither thither. I don't take kindly to such behavior and so I blasted the poor guy with a jet of hot water and totally drowned the sucker. His death was quick and hopefully painless.  But now, I am being haunted by his death, I have nightmares in which  hundreds of his relatives are out to attack me and some of them are vicious and look like this.   The nightmare starts with a cold dark night. As I am running through the forest, I hear leaves rustle, I turn to see a giant Spider running towards me. I am running with my heart pounding and I see more and more