A New Year and a New Me


Well! Well! look who is out of hibernation. I know all of you must be shaking your head and tch tching at my sudden appearance. Not believing one bit that I will stick around for long. Believe me, this time I intend to do so.

To tell you the truth, I have been caught up in work and have also been a wee bit lazy about Blogging. On the personal front, life was as chaotic as cyclone Thane making me go blue in the face, followed by long stretches of absolutely not doing anything. I spent that time just catching my breath and trying to resemble an actual Polar bear.

As you can see from my blog I am a total movie buff. I spent a sufficient chunk of  time watching movies in movie theatres that too alone, as my better half is happy as a bear taking a snooze cozied up in bed rather than sitting in front of a screen. What he does not know is that after I die, I am sure to come and haunt him and sing horrible movie songs. The operative word is horrible songs and not sing horribly. Which would anyway be impossible as I am known for my singing abilities.

Sadly, I saw extremely bad movies last year like ‘MOD’, ‘The girl in Yellow Boots’ and ‘Don-2’ which were all packaged in a glitzy wrapping, enticing me to spend my well earned money. I am not even wasting space on describing why I did not like them as it will mean spending my precious time on dissecting the crappiness.

My New year started with a short trip to Mahabaleshwar and meeting up with old friends. Though I wanted to spend 31st night partying hard, the whole idea of drunken men and women puking their guts out was not too enticing.

I am expecting this year to be equally good as the last one and wishing for a thinner me, getting back in touch with my old friends, working better and smarter, blogging regularly, praying for better movies, happiness, world peace and that the world does not end this year.

Here’s wishing you a Bright and Joyous New Year!!! ( I am officially not too late to wish you guys)

How did you celebrate your New Year’s eve?


  1. Well my comment didn't appear.

    Welcome back! Please do post a little more often than last year! :)

  2. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead and I hope you blog often :)

  3. Happy New Year!!
    And heres wishing to see more of you on the blog!!

  4. Happy New Year and good to know that you are alive and just plain lazy :P

    Hoping to see more of you :)

  5. Same way I did last year.. Sitting in front of a computer!! Happy new year!!

  6. Look who is back..

    Happy new year to you and family ..
    mine went in sleeep :)


  7. Hope you stay around this time LP! HAppy New Year to you too! My NYE was quiet...

  8. Happy New Year to you! Nice to see you back and enjoyed your blog as usual. Hope to see more of them.

  9. Good to see you back. waiting to read some delicious tarty posts. And what happened to our meeting up? Or are you too busy? I even left you a message on FB!

  10. That is what I used to do as a bachelor. I even went to the extend of watching 3 movies in a day and that too in three theaters. I even remember the names, Dhund (Dany Danzoppa & Zeenat Aman) Anhonee (Sanjeev Kumar & Leena Chandravarkar) Anamika (again Sanjeev Kumar & Jaya Bhaduri)
    And boy was I confused at the end of the day.
    So your husband does not know what he is missing. Movies are the staple diet of every Indian.


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